Help with your GameOn Login Account:

GameOn login accounts are only available to active members of the K-W Oldtimers Hockey Club.

To register for a login account you must:

    Supply an Email address which the League already has on file for you. You would have provided this Email address when you filled out a Player Registration form.
    Supply a password that you wish to have associated with your login account.

If you're unsure as to "What Email address should I use?" because:
  * You don't know, or have forgotten the Email address which the League has on file for you, or
  * You wish to change the Email address which the Leage has on file for you,
then please contact your Division Convener for assistance. A current list of Divsion Conveners can be found on the K-W Oldtimers site. or send an email to the league executive ( asking for help with your email address.

If you have previously registered for a GameOn login account, but have forgotten your password then please go to the Forgot my Password   page.

If you have previously registered for a GameOn login account, and you remember your password then please go to the Login  page.

Register for an Account    Forgot my Password    Login    K-W Oldtimers Home